Allow yourself to be be surprised!!

I didn’t have too much time to sleep but who cares?!? Today I’ll travel again!!😊 So, even though I fell asleep around 2:00am, I woke up at 6:00 am, I packed my heavy luggage and off I go to the airport. Of course my luggage is too heavy which is why I had to switch some things and squeeze them in my hand bag, computer’s bag…wherever I could find a spot. People are friendly, though, so it wasn’t difficult for me. I finish with checking in and went through security check. I relax a bit with some reading while I waited for boarding to start. Enthralled in my book I looked up and they were boarding so I quickly joined the line. No more than few minutes later a cute guy turns and asks me what group zone I am, hmm, will I have some company?💺✈️  I finally get on the plane and realize that I’m on the last row, wow, it will take a while for me to get out of here; yet, I can still see that nice guy just in front of me on the left side🙈 Anyway that’s not the point because I have important things to think about, my special friend’s birthday will be tomorrow and I still don’t have any idea how to surprize her, not to mention that about 10,000 km separate us😝😁

Nevertheless, listening to the safety instructions an idea comes to me!💡That sounds crazy!! I don’t have the guts to ask…what will the people think or say about me? How will they react? While I was dealing with all these questions, I was also trying to convince myself that it’s worth giving it a try. So I start reading something, maybe I can have some peace and silence in my mind. Unfortunately, I cannot focus on what I’m reading, I keep on thinking about the same thing: I have to try, I have to challenge myself, I have to be brave, I have to give people a chance. Eventually, I stand up, I walk towards the stewardess and explain her my idea and request. What a surprise, she smiles and agrees, not a problem at all!! I am so excited and happy, (even a little bit proud of my courage:D) I don’t know to whom to smile first while I’m going back to my seat. Most of the people are sleep, others attending to children, some watch something on their computers, work, talk, or read, in other words they don’t really have time to see my face anyway. Yet, my heart wants to share with everyone the feeling of happiness that I have. I finally sit down and continue with the book I started. Don’t worry, I could pay attention this time to the characters.😊 I read so attentive that my eyes were soon close.😂

However, I notice that only 20 minutes went by while I was asleep. It looks like I still have time to read more about people whose prayers received magnificent answers! This gives me confidence and somehow I feel like I also received an answer. The landing is getting closer and closer, more people seem to be anxious to get outside and continue their journey. Before touching the ground I’m called. This is it, the right time came! A little nervous, though, (it’s not that comfortable to stand in front of about 200 people, is it?) I start walking impatient and curious in the same time about the result. The stewardess starts speaking and I can see how surprised people are, they smile and wait for her to finish. “1, 2, and 3” she goes and everyone as a group  says “Happy birthday!!”. They all clapped and looked so happy like their closest relative was celebrating her birthday! I was amazed with their reaction and with the fact that an ingenious idea actually came true!! After I finished the recording I thanked them all with the biggest smile I could show and rushed to my seat to calm down:D On the way, one man shook my hand and even congratulated me. Now I do have quite a surprise for my friend:D

To cut it short I won’t explain how before to go out I was so stressed that I’m about to lose my flight connection in less than 20 minutes if I don’t get out faster. I didn’t know how big that airport would be and how far my gate is but I knew one thing, I had 15 minutes before taking off. I almost ran through the aisle, but I was reminded once more that worrying doesn’t help at all. I didn’t even have the chance to find a screen to check on my flight because I saw the gate I was looking for just on my left side. Another surprise! Someone must be taking good care of me for sure:) The outside rain didn’t affect me cause I felt really happy inside! What’s my point? Well, a simple one: Don’t judge someone, or a situation, before knowing or trying everything! Be ready to see the good side in everyone! Hope for the best for people and from them! Expect beautiful and good things to happen, let life and the whole world surprise you! You might like the results;)


Lasa-te surprins!!


Nu prea am avut timp sa dorm dar cui ii pasa?!? Astazi voi calatori din nou!! 🙂 Asadar, in ciuda faptului ca am adormit pe la 2:00 am, m-am trezit la 6:00 am, am terminat ultimele pregatiri cu bagajul si plec spre aeroport. Bineinteles ca geamantanul e mult mai greu decat ar trebui, asa ca incep sa inghesui ce pot pe unde pot, incerc sa strecor unele lucruri in bagajul de mana, altele in geanta de umar, pana si in cea pentru calculator ajunge cate ceva:D Insa oamenii pareau foarte prietenosi, zambitori si rabdatori, asa ca nu mi s-a parut dificil. Dupa ce trec de check in si controlul de securitate, aleg sa ma relaxez putin rasfoind cateva pagini. Captata de subiect, nu mi-am dat sema cand a zburat timpul iar cand am aruncat o privire am vazut ca deja incepuse imbarcarea, asadar m-am grabit sa ma alatur cozii. Nu dupa mult timp, un tip dragut se intoarce catre mine si ma intreaba in ce grup sunt, hmm, oare voi avea companie? Ajunsa in avion observ ca mai sunt locuri doar in spate, pe ultimul rand, pff! va dura ceva sa ies de aici; e bine ca macar sunt aproape de tipul acela dragut de care spuneam mai devreme, sta chiar in fata mea pe partea stanga. Ma crezi sau nu, insa, nu baiatul ma preocupa pe mine ci un alt lucru important imi staruie in minte. Ziua unei prietene speciale va fi chiar maine iar eu nu am nici cea mai mica idee cum sa o surprind, mai ales ca ne despart nici mai mult nici mai putin decat vreo 10,000 km.

In timp ce stau linistita si ascult instructiunile de siguranta, in mintea mea apare o idee nastrusnica! Suna cam indraznet! Nu am tupeul necesar sa intreb….ce vor gandi oamenii sau ce vor spune despre mine? Cum vor reactiona oare? Iata ca toate intrebarile astea se perinda printre celelalte ganduri, gata gata sa le inghita. Mai supravietuieste unul care-mi tot repeta ca merita sa incerc. Nu-i dau ascultare, ci mai degraba iau o carte si citesc, poate poate se mai linistesc apele, sau ideile in cazul de fata, si iau o hotarare “cu cap”. Din pacate, nu ma pot concentra la citit, acelasi gand nu se da batut usor ci mai sa ma ia cu asalt: trebuie sa incerc, trebuie sa fiu curajoasa si sa le dau oamenilor o sansa. In cele din urma ma ridic si ma indrept catre stewardesa. Ii explic ideea mea impreuna cu rugamintea necesara. Ce surpriza! Imi zambeste si accepta fara nici cea mai mica ezitare. Sunt atat de surprinsa si entuziasmata (pana si un pic mandra de curajul meu:D), incat nici nu stiu cui sa-i zambesc mai frumos pana revin la locul meu. Nu trebuie sa ma agit prea tare pentru ca oricum oamenii sunt ocupati: cei mai multi dorm, unii au grija de copii, o parte lucreaza sau vizioneaza ceva pe calculator, altii vorbesc intre ei sau citesc. Ajung in sfarsit la locul meu si reiau cartea multumita. Alta viata acum, gandul ascultat imi permite sa citesc linistita, atat de linistita incat curand ochii s-au ascuns sub ploape:))

Tresar la un moment dat si imi dau seama ca au trecut 20 de minute. Se pare ca mai am timp sa citesc cartea mea despre oameni a caror rugaciuni au primit raspunsuri minunate. Povestile lor ma fac mai increzatoare si intr-un fel simt ca si eu am primit un raspuns. Ne apropiem de aterizare si din ce in ce oamenii par a fi nerabdatori sa-si continue calatoria afara din avion. Inainte de aceasta, sunt chemata in fata. “Asta este, a sosit momentul!”, imi spun. Nu e prea confortabil sa stai in fata a 200 de oameni, nu? Asa ca ma ridic si merg, usor emotionata dar si curioasa in acelasi timp cu privire la rezultat. Stewardesa incepe sa explice prin microfon oamenilor ce se inatmpla. Fetele acestora tradeaza surprinderea insa zambetul lor ma incurajeaza. “1, 2, 3”, se aude si apoi, toti in cor, rostesc urarea “La multi ani!” Apoi au   aplaudat. Pareau atat de bucurosi, de parca prietena lor, a fiecaruia in parte, era cea care isi sarbatoreste ziua. M-a uimit atitudinea lor si faptul ca o idee ingenioasa s-a transformat in realitate. Dupa ce am terminat de filmat, le-am multumit cu cel mai mare zambet pe care il aveam la indemana si m-am grabit catre locul meu pentru a ma calma. Pe drum cineva chiar m-a felicitat pentru idee. Acum cu siguranta aveam o surpriza pentru prietena mea!:)

Nu o sa-ti mai povestesc in detaliu cum am trecut prin teama ca voi pierde urmatorul zbor, cred ca deja ar deveni prea mult de citit. Dar iti spun pe scurt ca ma uitam cu mare stres la ceas si vedeam ca mai erau doar 20 de minute pana la decolare iar avionul in care eram nu se mai oprea…nu stiam cat de mare va fi aeroportul, cat de departe poarta de imbarcare, dar un lucru era sigur: timpul trecea si mai aveam mai putin de 15 minute sa ajung unde trebuia. Cand in sfarsit am coborat din avion, am inceput sa alerg aproape printre oameni sa ajung cat mai repede insa mi-am adus aminte repede ca a ma ingrijora nu ajuta la nimic. Nici nu a fost nevoie sa verific pe ecran zborul meu pentru ca exact unde am iesit, pe partea stanga, era scris mare numarul portii care ma interesa. Alta surpriza! Cu siguranta, Cineva avea grija de mine. Nici ploaia de afara si vremea mohorata nu m-au putut afecta pentru ca eram fericita in interior. Ce vreau sa spun cu toate astea? Ei bine, nimic complicat: nu judeca pe cineva, sau ceva, inainte de a cunoaste sau a incerca totul! Fii gata sa vezi partea buna a lucrurilor si a oamenilor, indiferent cum, cine si unde sunt. Spera bine atat oamenilor cat si ca binele sa vina din partea lor. Asteapta-te ca lucruri frumoase si bune sa aiba loc, lasa ca viata si intreaga lume sa te surprinda! S-ar putea sa-ti placa 😉

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