Balaceala 😄

Foarte recunoscatoare pentru apa, lac aproape, si balaceala, mai ales in zilele astea ataaaat de calduroase ☀️

Thankful indeed for water, nearby lake and “balaceala” (sorry, there’s no perfect English word for this 😅), especially on these hot days ☀️

Just one of those days…

Long day, ha? Tell me about it…I woke up at 4;30 a.m., I had to travel for about two hours and then start working. It wasn’t really a big deal what I had to do, you might say, “That’s nothing, just cleaning the house.” Yet, when that house is so big that only vacuuming takes you approximately two to three hours, ‘nothing’ quickly changes into ‘quite something’ :)) Continue reading “Just one of those days…”