
I remember a story told by my friend to Namibian children at God Cares School. It was about a man who bragged himself to be someone and all night long was gazing at the stars. At first he made a few impressions, people never heard about this occupation before, they showed interest, they looked surprised and curious at him standing there watching towards the sky. Little by little, though, they kind of got used to him and let him be. Soon enough, of course, he had nothing to eat and no means to survive. To sum up, the moral of the story, if I recall it correctly, is not to be lazy or afraid of working.

Yesterday I gazed as well, not at the stars, but at the clouds in the sky. I like observing their movement and changing shape process. I’m not doing a living out of this, obviously, however, I’m thankful for the clouds and the view they offer for us. I can learn couple of lessons from them too: they’re funny making others feel good, they are malleable and flexible, they may dissipate in order to leave the sky bright πŸ˜Šβ›…οΈ

Imi amintesc o poveste spusa de o prietena copiilor din Namibia, la Scoala God Cares. Era vorba despre un om care se lauda ca el a ajuns cineva, are o pozitie sus-pusa in societate si tot ce facea era sa priveasca stelele toata noaptea. Desigur ca la inceput a facut ceva furori, oamenii nu mai auzisera niciodata de o astfel de meserie si s-au aratat surprinsi dar si curiosi in acelasi timp vazandu-l stand cu fata in sus mereu. Incet incet insa, s-au cam obisnuit cu el si l-au lasat in ale lui. Nu peste mult timp, bineinteles ca omul nostru nu mai avea ce sa manance si niciun mijloc de trai ramas. Pe scurt, morala povestii, daca-mi amintesc corect, era sa nu fim puturosi sau sa nu ne ferim de munca.

Ieri am stat si eu si m-am uitat inspre cer, nu la stele, ci la nori. Imi place sa le urmaresc miscarile si formele pe care le au, schimbarile si procesul prin care trec. Nu-mi fac o ocupatie constanta din asta, evident, si totusi, sunt recunoscatoare pentru nori si privelistea pe care ne-o ofera. Plus ca pot invata cateva lectii de la ei: sunt amuzanti, facandu-i pe ceilalti sa se simta bine; sunt maleabili si flexibili, se pot disipa sa lase cerul curat si luminos πŸ˜Šβ›…οΈ

Could this be happiness?

I am extremely thankful for my husband who also did some thinking apparently and spoke more one of my main love language today: acts of service ❀️ (of course every single one of the five love languages is one of the main at a certain point πŸ˜„)

Aaand, my very best friend from far away whom I did not see for more than 2 years arrived in Spain today. I can’t wait to see her! 😍

Sunt extrem de recunoscatoare pentru sotul meu care se pare ca a meditat si el putin si astazi a vorbit mai mult pe unul dintre limbajele iubirii preferate de mine: serviciile ❀️ (sigur ca fiecare dintre cele cinci limbaje ale iubirii este preferat la un moment dat πŸ˜„)

Siii, prietena mea cea foarte buna si draga pe care nu am mai vazut-o de mai bine de doi ani a ajuns azi in Spania. Abia astept sa o vad! 😍

Happy birthday! 🎊

Today we celebrated a very close friend of mine whom I appreciate lots and was very much pleased with my wish for her. She happens to live in Namibia for about 15 years now – which made me realize that I did not share with you one of the most exciting thing I’m looking forward to: my husband and I will go to Namibia! I cannot wait to see my friend and those lovely kids again!! 😍

P.S.: Check God Cares School on Facebok and you’ll see what I’m talking about πŸ˜‰

La multi ani! 🎊

Astazi am sarbatorit o prietena foarte apropiata pe care o apreciez enorm si care a fost incantata de urarea mea. Ea locuieste in Namibia de mai bine de 15 ani deja, fapt ce m-a ajutat sa constientizez ca nu am impartasit cu voi ceva pt care sunt foarte entuziasmata si astept cu nerabdare: voi merge impreuna cu sotul meu in Namibia! Abia astept sa o revad, atat pe ea, cat si pe acei copii minunati!! 😍

P.S.: Poti verifica God Cares School pe Facebook pentru a intelege mai bine despre ce e vorba πŸ˜‰